Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA)

Disclaimer: This is intended as general legal information and education, not specific legal advice. Individual situations and state laws may vary. Contact a local attorney of your choosing for specific legal advice.

Forcing a woman to have an abortion, including a minor, is illegal in all 50 states of the United States of America. The Justice Foundation’s Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA) was created to provide educational resources to empower women who are being forced, unduly pressured, or coerced into an unwanted abortion. Any individual who attempts to use force or coercion could be subject to criminal or civil liability including child abuse, fetal homicide, domestic partner violence, etc. If you or someone you know is facing this situation and would like more information, call (210) 614-7157 or email


  • Women who first learn or suspect they are pregnant may feel pressured to an abortion, including from the parent, the baby’s father, school counselor, employer, etc. This is illegal. 
  • Even under Roe v. Wade, the decision to keep the child was the woman’s alone, so a woman’s rights are being violated when they are coerced, unduly pressured, or forced into an unwanted abortion. This is especially true in states where abortion is now illegal, but it is true even in states where abortion is legal; involuntary abortion is illegal in all states.


  • The Justice Foundation has created a number of educational resources to combat forced abortions. If you or someone you know is in this situation, please download and print the appropriate resources below.

For more information or if you are in an emergency, please call (210) 614-7157 or email

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